get involved
giving back
ways to get involved
Did you know that quiet users are the largest user group on Public lands; however, we are the most under-represented group of users and lack the well-organized infrastructure and extensive financial backing motorized users have enjoyed and leveraged for years.
So, it’s time to take steps to make sure ALL quiet users are equally represented and that we have quiet places to recreate now and for years to come. EMBA is committed to its mission and ensuring a legacy for future generations because quiet places matter! Get Involved and help us “protect and promote human-powered recreation in the backcountry of the Gunnison Valley”.
What can one person do? A lot… the “power of the few” has already been demonstrated by the Gang of Nine. The future of quiet-use recreation depends on YOUR support and involvement NOW!

Report Backcountry Observations!
Submit photos and/or report observations on trail conditions, user conflicts, or other issues. Submissions may be made anomalously if desired.
Colorado Mountain Club has developed a very effective app so you can report conflicts, trail maintenance needs, inventory campsites and track visitor use both summer and winter. That data goes directly to land managers to they can prioritize hot spots and deploy crews to work on issues.