Support EMBA

Why You Should Support Elk Mountains Backcountry Alliance
- You will have a strong and representative voice in shaping current and future year-round human-powered recreation use in the Gunnison Valley.
- Your membership supports EMBA’s advocacy for the preservation of wild places and minimizing the environmental impacts of growth and development will drive discussions and long-term decisions on pertinent land management proposals to ensure future generations have opportunities for solitude and the ability to recreate in natural environments.
- You will join a diverse organization of like-minded recreationists who value the benefits of quiet, non-motorized activities!
- As our membership continues to grow, the strength of our message expands in scope and influence and this enhances our ability to apply for and receive grants which will help further our cause.
- You will receive newsletters with information on issues, upcoming events, opportunities to volunteer, and call to action alerts on relevant topics in the Gunnison Valley.
- Your membership dues and tax-deductible contributions help us pay for our operating expenses, maintain our website, provide educational brochures and materials, and support important projects such as the Winter Use Data Collection Initiative (DCI).
- Human-powered users will benefit from the vast and tested expertise of local and nationally based organizations aligned with EMBA’s core values such as Backcountry Sports Initiative, Colorado Mountain Club, Winter Wildlands Alliance, Outdoor Alliance, Protect Our Winters, and others.